Standard Messages and Dialogs are Easily Included
The Main Form has an area labeled "Standard Dialogs" that gives
the option to include calls to the standard messages and dialog boxes. Standard messages
include Information, Warning, and Error displays. Standard dialogs include Yes/No,
OK/Cancel, Retry/Cancel, and generic question dialog pop-ups.
In addition to simple messages and dialogs, there are standard dialogs for "File Open",
"File Save", and "Select Directory". There is also a "Color Chooser" and a built-in
method for setting timers to schedule tasks.
Simple Messages
These are strictly convenience functions that allow a quick copy and paste implementation
of whatever message box or standard dialog needs arise. The only reason to bother with
these very simple wrapper functions is to quickly provide the required syntax and a few usage tips.
The images below illustrate the standard messages.
The following calls will bring up each of the above message boxes.
self.ShowInfo('FYI...','Dogs Bark!')
self.ShowWarning( title='Sky Warning', message='The Sky Is Falling.')
self.ShowError('All Is Lost',"We're Toast Man!!!")
The following code is what tk_happy includes in the saved python file, in order to enable
the above calls to message boxes. As you can see, they are simply wrappers
around the tkMessageBox calls.
def ShowInfo(self, title='Title', message='your message here.'):
tkMessageBox.showinfo( title, message )
def ShowWarning(self, title='Title', message='your message here.'):
tkMessageBox.showwarning( title, message )
def ShowError(self, title='Title', message='your message here.'):
tkMessageBox.showerror( title, message )
Simple Dialogs
Source code to simplify calling standard dialog boxes is also included. The source code below
is included in the saved python file along with the above message boxes.
def AskYesNo(self, title='Title', message='your question here.'):
return tkMessageBox.askyesno( title, message )
def AskOK_Cancel(self, title='Title', message='your question here.'):
return tkMessageBox.askokcancel( title, message )
def AskRetryCancel(self, title='Title', message='your question here.'):
return tkMessageBox.askretrycancel( title, message )
def AskQuestion(self, title='Title', message='your question here.'):
return tkMessageBox.askquestion( title, message )
As the comments indicate, the top three dialogs return True or False.
The AskQuestion dialog returns a string variable containing "yes" or "no".
The above dialogs are implemented with calls as follows.
if self.AskYesNo( title='Tango?', message='Do You Tango?'):
print "Let's Tango."
print "Let's Eat."
if self.AskQuestion(title='Eat?', message='Do You Eat?')=='yes':
print "Let's Eat."
print "Let's Tango."
Color Chooser
Another convenience function call is the Color Chooser. The convenience wrapper is shown
below along with a description of the return format (a color tuple and a web-type hex string).
def AskForColor(self,title='Pick Color'):
ctuple,cstr = tkColorChooser.askcolor(title=title)
return ctuple,cstr
The color chooser can be called as follows.
ctuple,cstr = self.AskForColor('What is you favorite color?')
print 'Your favorite color is',str(cstr)
print 'As a color tuple it is',ctuple
tkMessageBox.showinfo( 'Favorite Color'
, 'Your favorite color is '+cstr +'\nAKA... '+str(ctuple) )
File Open, File Save, and Directory Dialogs
Opening a file can be accomplished with code similar to that shown below. Because the standard
dialog, tkFileDialog.askopenfile, returns a file object, the tk_happy wrapper, AskOpenFile,
returns a file object as well.
def File_Btn_Button_Click(self, event):
filetypes = [('Include File','*.inc'), ('Any File','*.*')]
f = self.AskOpenFile(title='Choose File',\
mode='r', initialdir='.', filetypes=filetypes)
s = str( f )
contents =
self.ShowInfo('Opened File',\
s+'\nGot contents of length='+str(len(contents)) )
self.ShowError('File Error', 'Failed on file open')
The wrapper function for "File Open" is shown below. Notice the warning
about opening a file with mode="w". It is better to use the "SaveAs" dialog for
saving files so that sufficient safeguards can be put into place to prevent losing data.
Notice also from the comments, that the string name of the opened file can be obtained as
the file object property, "".
def AskOpenFile(self, title='Choose File', mode='rb', initialdir='.', filetypes=None):
if filetypes==None:
filetypes = [
('Text File','*.txt'),
('Data File','*.dat'),
('Output File','*.out'),
('Any File','*.*')]
fileobj = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(parent=self.master,mode=mode,title=title,
initialdir=initialdir, filetypes=filetypes)
return fileobj
Getting the name of a file to be saved uses the standard dialog tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename which
is wrapped by tk_happy as AskSaveasFilename. The code below shows how to call AskSaveasFilename.
filetypes = [('Include File','*.inc'), ('Any File','*.*')]
fname = self.AskSaveasFilename('Save File', filetypes)
self.ShowInfo('Save Filename', fname + \
"\n Don't forget to use\nimport os\nand associated safeguards")
This message box to the right and the file save dialog below, are the result of the above call.
The wrapper function for "File Save" is shown below.
It is better to use this dialog for
saving files than the "File Open" with mode="w" (from above) so that sufficient
safeguards can be put into place. (i.e. a file opened with mode="w" will lose any
data already in the file.)
def AskSaveasFilename(self, title='Save File', filetypes=None, initialfile=''):
if filetypes==None:
filetypes = [
('Text File','*.txt'),
('Data File','*.dat'),
('Output File','*.out'),
('Any File','*.*')]
fileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=self.master,\
filetypes=filetypes, initialfile=initialfile ,title=title)
return fileName
Timer alarms can be set with a single call.
The above call sets a 1 second timer (1000 milliseconds) that activates the tk_happy-generated
code below when the timer goes off. The message box to the right is the result of the code below.
You might prefer to simply copy the line
self.master.after( milliseconds, self.Alarm )
and modify it for your needs, however, the tk_happy boilerplate can simplify the task.
def SetAlarm(self, milliseconds=1000):
self.master.after( milliseconds, self.Alarm )
def Alarm(self):
self.ShowInfo(title='Alarm Called', message='When the alarm goes off\n'+\
'Do you know what to do?')
It is easier to copy and paste existing code snippets, than it is to remember
Tkinter syntax.
Colorized listings thanks to ASPN Recipe at by Peter Krantz