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Here is a GUI for Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions

The Finished GUI application is shown at the right. The idea behind the application is to allow the user to evaluate any arithmetic expression and display the result in a desired format.

Example GUI

To begin, open a terminal window or DOS window and enter any of:

1) ./run_happy.py       (Linux)
2) run_happy.py         (Windows)
3) python run_happy.py  (Both) 

When the tk_happy main window opens, choose "File>New" to start a new project. After you do this, there will be 2 additional windows open; the Form Window and the Edit Window. Click on the Form Window and notice that the Edit Window is populated with Form Window properties. You can leave the default properties, or (as in this example) change a few of the parameters to fit your taste.

Start New Project
Edit Window Form Window

Select a Label Widget on the Main Form to be added to the GUI application. Click on the Form Window at the location of the Label. Use the blue grab-handles to size the label.

Select Widget Place and Size Widget

Continue selecting, placing, and editing widgets until all of the desired components are on the Form Window.

Placing Listbox

It is now time to save the project. From the Main Window choose "File>Saveas". Enter "eval_gui" in the dialog box and the project will be saved under that name. Two files result from this save operation:
1) a definition file (eval_gui.def)
2) a python source file (eval_gui.py).

File > Saveas

The resulting python file is fully functional. The button, listbox, entry string variable, etc. are "wired" and ready to go. Go ahead and run the python file "eval_gui.py". As you click the button or listbox, or change the expression in the entry field, notice the print outputs to the terminal window or DOS box that indicate the "pre-wired" condition.
All that remains is to edit the python file to implement your own logic.

        Insert Lines to implement your logic
Inserted Code is in GREEN
Delete or Comment Out "Place-Holder" Code
Code to be Deleted or Commented is in RED
#!/usr/bin/env python

# NOTICE... this file is generated by tk_happy.
# Any code or comments added by the user must be in designated areas ONLY.
# User additions will be lost if they are placed in code-generated areas.

# tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "imports"
from Tkinter import *
# >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "imports"
# Place any user import statements here
from math import *
# tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "top_of_init" class _Eval_Gui: def __init__(self, master): self.initComplete = 0 frame = Frame(master, width=300, height=198, background="#ffffb9") frame.pack() self.master = master self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = -1,-1,-1,-1 # bind master to in order to handle any resizing, etc. # postpone self.master.bind("", self.Master_Configure) self.master.bind('', self.bindConfigure) self.master.title("eval_gui") self.Calcbtn_Button = Button(self.master,text="Calculate", \ background="#ffcccc", width="15") self.Calcbtn_Button.place(x=24, y=120, width=132, height=27) self.Calcbtn_Button.bind("", self.Calcbtn_Button_Click) self.Eqnentry = Entry(self.master,width="15") self.Eqnentry.place(x=24, y=36, width=254, height=22) self.Eqnentry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Eqnentry.configure(textvariable=self.Eqnentry_StringVar) self.Eqnentry_StringVar.set("sqrt( 2.0 )") self.Eqnentry_StringVar_traceName = \ self.Eqnentry_StringVar.trace_variable("w", self.Eqnentry_StringVar_Callback) self.Answerlbl_Label = Label(self.master,text="", background="#c2efef", width="15") self.Answerlbl_Label.place(x=24, y=84, width=132, height=24) self.Label_1 = Label(self.master,text="Expression to be Evaluated", \ background="#ffffb9", width="15") self.Label_1.place(x=24, y=12, width=239, height=22) self.Label_2 = Label(self.master,text="Answer", background="#ffffb9", width="15") self.Label_2.place(x=36, y=60, width=99, height=22) self.Label_4 = Label(self.master,text="Format", background="#ffffb9", width="15") self.Label_4.place(x=180, y=60, width=97, height=20) lbframe = Frame( self.master ) self.Listbox_1_frame = lbframe scrollbar = Scrollbar(lbframe, orient=VERTICAL) self.Listbox_1 = Listbox(lbframe, width="15", selectmode="single", \ yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.Listbox_1.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.Listbox_1.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.Listbox_1_frame.place(x=180, y=84, width=90, height=99) self.Listbox_1.bind("", self.Listbox_1_Click) self.master.resizable(0,0) # Linux may not respect this # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "top_of_init"
# populate the listbox with desired formats self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "None") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%g") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.1f") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.2f") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.3f") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.4f") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.1E") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.2E") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.3E") self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "%.4E") self.Listbox_1.select_set(0) # make None highlighted self.master.title("Expression Evaluator") # showAnser function will evaluate and display result def showAnswer(self): s = self.Eqnentry_StringVar.get() print 'evaluating:',s try: val = eval(s) except: val = 'ERROR' try: fmt = self.Listbox_1.get(self.Listbox_1.curselection()) valStr = fmt%val except: valStr = str( val ) self.Answerlbl_Label.config( text=valStr )
# tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "Master_Configure" def bindConfigure(self, event): if not self.initComplete: self.master.bind("", self.Master_Configure) self.initComplete = 1 def Master_Configure(self, event): pass # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "Master_Configure" # replace, delete, or comment-out the following if event.widget != self.master: if self.w != -1: return x = int(self.master.winfo_x()) y = int(self.master.winfo_y()) w = int(self.master.winfo_width()) h = int(self.master.winfo_height()) if (self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) == (-1,-1,-1,-1): self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x,y,w,h if self.w!=w or self.h!=h: print "Master reconfigured... make resize adjustments" self.w=w self.h=h # tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "compID=1" def Calcbtn_Button_Click(self, event): #click method for component ID=1 pass # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "compID=1" # replace, delete, or comment-out the following
print "executed method Calcbtn_Button_Click"
# When button is clicked, reset format to None, Then show answer self.Listbox_1.selection_clear(self.Listbox_1.curselection()) self.Listbox_1.select_set(0) # make None highlighted self.showAnswer()
# tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "compID=4" def Listbox_1_Click(self, event): #click method for component ID=4 pass # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "compID=4" # replace, delete, or comment-out the following
print "executed method Listbox_1_Click" print "current selection(s) =",self.Listbox_1.curselection() labelL = [] for i in self.Listbox_1.curselection(): labelL.append( self.Listbox_1.get(i)) print "current label(s) =",labelL # use self.Listbox_1.insert(0, "item zero") # self.Listbox_1.insert(index, "item i") # OR # self.Listbox_1.insert(END, "item end") # to insert items into the list box
# tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "Eqnentry_StringVar_Callback" def Eqnentry_StringVar_Callback(self, varName, index, mode): pass # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "Eqnentry_StringVar_Callback" # replace, delete, or comment-out the following
print "Eqnentry_StringVar_Callback varName, index, mode",varName, index, mode print " new StringVar value =",self.Eqnentry_StringVar.get()
# tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "end" def main(): root = Tk() app = _Eval_Gui(root) root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

A Finished/Working GUI is just a few clicks away.